A brotherhood of culture in Arizona

I live in Arizona, and I like going to historic sites. And, inevitably, I will hear some type of mention of "the white man". It's usually said in reference to Indians, who had to "learn the ways of the white man". Of course, the message is very clear - apparently, only white people have ever been civilized. Apparently the Mayan Temples, for example, don't count?

So if the history of Arizona seems to get confusing to you, step back. If you're trying to force it into a story of Indians and White Men, it makes no sense. And it's a racist attitude that needs to go away, as it's degrading to all people, of all races.

Look again at the history of Arizona. But instead of trying to divide by race, divide by culture. The culture that won out, of course, is the culture that we live in today. Yes, it's the culture of the Pimas, and the Apaches, and the Mexicans, and the Americans. It's the culture of civilization. And the people who contributed to it, and still do, deserve more than being described as following the "ways of the white man".

Image above: Pima and Maricopa Indians in 1889, and a cowboy.

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