Skunk Creek, Peoria, Arizona

If you like looking at old photos of Phoenix, like I do, you will often see images that show tall trees and the type of lush vegetation that makes you wonder if the climate of the Sonoran Desert has changed since the arrival of people.

I especially like views along old creeks and washes that have cottonwood trees. I love to time-travel in my imagination and walk along areas that are so dense with green vegetation that it's hard to believe that you are anywhere near Phoenix, Arizona.

One of my favorite places is Skunk Creek in Peoria, which is just northwest of where I live. I cross over it on 83rd Avenue between Greenway and Bell Road and also on Bell Road and 72nd Avenue, on my way to Arrowhead Mall.

This is what I saw this morning at Skunk Creek. I saw a few bicyclists go by, and I looked around at the trailhead, where there is an area for horses, and a horse trough. And when the noise of the traffic in the distance calms down, you can hear the sound of the cottonwoods. No imagination required.

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