Watching Arizona get vaccinated for COVID-19, March 2021

It's March 13th, 2021 and I just wanted to share with you what I'm seeing here in Arizona as it relates to vaccinations for COVID-19. It's going well, better than I had expected.

Yes, I'm an optimistic person, but this past year, especially in Arizona, was preparing me for the worst. As you may or may not know, Arizona is famous for people who are against vaccines, and also for COVID-19 deniers. I don't have any kids in school, and overall the attitudes of many of my fellow Arizonans (or Arizonians if you prefer) haven't mattered much to me.

And then it all suddenly became very personal with me, because of the people that I know and care about, especially a good friend, who shall remain unnamed, whom I've known for over thirty years. I've looked to him for many things, from understanding caring and compassion to physical fitness and muscle-building. In turn I've tried to help him with what I can do, mostly looking stuff up on the computer and trying to explain things like the electoral college (not that I really can!). And when I learned from him that he had gotten his second COVID shot, I was deliriously happy. He was in the first group, because of his age, and my group (of younger folks) is now getting their shots.

I'm back on Facebook now and I'm seeing more and more of my friends getting their vaccinations. And yes, I know that a percentage of people will choose to not have the vaccination, but the more I'm learning the more I realize that it won't really matter.

Speaking for myself, the only reason that I haven't made my appointment yet is that I don't drive. I can go anywhere within a five-mile radius on my recumbent trike, and I'm just kinda hoping that it will happen before the temperatures here in the Phoenix area get over 100 degrees. I've always gotten my shots for everything regularly, and while as a typical tough guy I get light-headed at the thought of it, I do it for my health. I've already lived a lot longer than I ever expected, and am having too much fun to stop now.

When all of this started, about a year ago, I remember telling a young man at McDonald's (where I get my coffee) that he will be able to tell his grandchildren about this. It was a note of optimism that I was trying to really feel then, and I really do now.


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