Looking out for the innocents during COVID-19 - May 2021

Since this is an interesting time in history (which is a curse), I've been paying special attention to how the people around me have been responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. And it recently occurred to me that I hadn't mentioned people that I call "the innocents". And maybe it's because I've always looked out for these people that I just take doing that for granted. Most people do, but not all.

The main categories that I've determined lately are the vaccinated (that's me), the disbelievers (people who are convinced that there is no such thing as a global pandemic), and the divines (people who believe in the pandemic but are protected by their faith, needing no medical intervention), and of course the innocents.

The innocents include, of course, children. But they also include anyone who simply doesn't have the capacity to understand what's going on. Now calm down there if you think that I'm accusing these people of being stupid, they're just innocent, and there's a difference.

I've always been a big believer of looking out for the innocents, which has often included me. I don't have the chemical expertise to determine if the food that I buy has been tainted, or if the water that I drink is pure. And even if I did, I doubt whether I'd walk around with a chemistry set checking everything. I just trust that my innocence will not be taken advantage of, and it's usually a law, or a regulation, that protects me.

Doing this sort of thing is just what civilized people do. Fortunately, it's something that's just naturally built into most people, helping the innocent, by stopping your car when you see a ball bounce out into the street, or stepping aside when you see someone walking out of a door who didn't see you, whether from age or disability. There are so many wonderful people out there that whenever I feel a sense of discouragement, I look for them, and they're wonderful.

The people who don't know what to do to protect the innocent are controlled by laws. These people range from "just not caring" to actively hurting people by doing what they know is wrong, but doing it anyway. This is a small percentage of people, but it's enough to make things miserable for the rest of us. These people tend to look around and wonder if there's a law? They have to be told, very precisely, what to do.

Speaking for myself, I don't need to be told to look out for the innocent. My heart goes out to these people, and if I could, I'd find a way to explain things to them in a way that they understand. But often it's just impossible, so I just lead by example.

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