Visiting the new winter playground in the 1930s, Phoenix, Arizona

Phoenix is a wonderful place to be in the winter, I can tell you! But don't take my word for it, let's take a look at the 1930s pamphlet "The New Winter Playground". Here the sun shines practically every day of the year, with an annual rainfall of about eight inches. The pamphlet goes on to use a lot of flowery language, but I can sum it up, it's nice. Of course there are a lot of golf courses including the Phoenix Country Club (still there), the Arizona Biltmore (also still there), El Molino (sorry, that one's gone), Ingleside (now called the Arizona Country Club), San Marcos (still there) and Castle Hot Springs (it's open again but I don't know if they have a golf course - if you do, let know and I'll update this post!). Speaking for myself, and I grew up in Minnesota, I never tire of seeing palm trees, and flowers, in the winter. I don't know exactly where the picnic is, but my best guess is that it was near the Capitol Building, which peopl...