Why I liked getting rude service at Joe's Cafe in Santa Barbara in the 1980s

Some of my fondest memories are of going to Joe's Cafe in Santa Barbara in the 1980s, and I always got rude service, which I liked. I'll see if I can explain.

Now calm down there, you won't get rude service as a tourist. The rude service was only for the locals, and it wasn't as if they dumped my gin-and-tonic on my head, they were just kinda casual, because they knew that I was a local.

No one working there ever snapped to attention for me, or asked if I liked my food, or if I was ready for my bill - that's how the tourists were treated. And I was very proud of being a local!

By the way, the photo at the top of this blog post is from their website, it looks like it hasn't changed a bit. I always sat in one of the booths there on the left, unless I just came in for a gin-and-tonic, in which case I sat at the bar. I don't recall sitting at the tables, but I must have done, the place was always crowded!

I always ordered an Omaha, which was on the menu, and simply said "Omaha". I didn't ask what an Omaha was because I knew. And when I would go there with locals I'd advise them to order the Omaha. I wonder if they still have that? I hope so.

Places like Santa Barbara are very touristy, but locals also live there, and when they go somewhere like Joe's they aren't treated formally, like strangers, they're family.

Thank you for the encouragement! If you want to see daily pics of my adventures on my recumbent trike in suburban Phoenix (just for fun, of course!) you can follow me on buymeacoffee.com/bradhall, and you can buy me a coffee if you'd like to!

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