What you can do to help preserve the places you love in your town

I love living in the Phoenix area, mostly because of the Chuckbox restaurant in Tempe, which I've been going to, as often as I could, since I was struggling to get my degree at ASU. For years while I lived in California, I dreamed of being able to go get a burger there, and now that I live way on the west side, I don't get there as often as I'd like. It's January, and my California friends will be visiting soon for the big car shows, and I know that it means I'll be going to the Chuckbox, and Gallagher's, and Parsons.

Now waitaminute, I'm not advertising restaurants. I just love these places. And I vote them for stay in the only way that actually makes a difference. No, I don't click "like" or forward emails, I go there, I buy stuff. I vote with the one thing that makes a difference: money. Well, actually my California friends take me there, but you see what I mean.

I've seen a lot of people complain about the places that they love in their neighborhood going away, especially the restaurants that they love. And then I ask when was the last time they were there? And could we go there, like today? The people who make a difference say "Let's go!", the rest just sit around and complain, maybe posting a rant on Facebook or something.

I'm an old Marketing guy, and I know that people vote with their feet, and their money. Signing a petition won't save a business that's at risk of being replaced by some awful chain restaurant. Nor will forwarding emails, or ranting on Facebook. Go there. Open up your wallet and tell them that you want them to stay, and you're willing to invest in it.

I was at my Gallagher's recently and I asked the manager what I could do to help keep the place around, for like, forever. She said, "just keep coming back". Good answer -that's how you do it.

Image at the top of this post: The Chuckbox restaurant in 1972, University and Forest (two blocks east of Mill Avenue), Tempe, Arizona. This was even before my day, and they still have only sold over 278 hamburgers!

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