Why the presidency of the United States is such a dull job, and why it’s supposed to be

Like a lot of people who use Instagram, I followed the new president of the United States when he took office this year, in 2021. It was actually quite interesting for a while, watching things like the rollout of the vaccine for COVID-19, but recently it's gotten very dull (it's June of 2021). And that's how the presidency of the United States should be, it was designed that way.

The first president of the United States, George Washington, set the tone. In fact, even the term "president", which seems to have a touch of glamour nowadays, was chosen for its mundane sound. The intention of the new country is that it would be of the people, not of a particular person, like a king, or a dictator. A war had been fought to break free of that sort of thing!

With a few notable exceptions, the United States has been at peace. Of course, the things we study in school are the exciting parts, like wars and that sort of thing, but mostly being the president just meant sitting in the office, maybe every once in a while shaking hands with people. If you've been following the daily posts for the new president, you know that the most interesting thing that has happened recently is that his dog died (just from old age, calm down, no one assassinated the president's dog!).

And speaking for myself, I like things to do dull around the president. It's nice to know that someone is there in the event of an emergency, but mostly the job is to just keep an eye on things, surround yourself with good people, and just generally be a calming influence. George Washington knew that.


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