Understanding politics by understanding history

Since I've always been interested in history, going back to when I was a little kid, I've always been interested in politics. And while "politics" mostly means some cigar-chomping politician backing down on his promises, it really just has to do with how people govern themselves in groups. And no, it's not always fair, particularly since people tend to pick political leaders based on things like height (George Washington was very tall!).

Whenever someone comes up to me and grabs my lapels talking about politics, I will ask if they're interested in politics, and most people just aren't, they let go of my lapels and wander off. And maybe it's because people remember having to memorize stuff in school, and really don't want to think about that after they grow up. But I don't remember memorizing anything in school, not really, I just remember being a curious, nerdy, little kid. I wanted to know everything - did George Washington really have wooden teeth?

Of course my fascination with how groups of people get organized for the common good goes way beyond the Continental Armies of America. When people started hunting, like Woolly Mammoths, they needed to get organized, and communicate. And I'm guessing the tallest guy got to be the leader because everyone could see him through the tall grass!

I know that I won't live long enough to learn about all of the different ways that groups of people govern themselves, but that won't stop me from trying! I'm pleased to live in a democracy, where I can vote, but I'm inclined to think that if I didn't know any different I'd be OK with that, too. Fortunately for me I've always lived near libraries, and I can read and comprehend well.

George Washington was the first President of the United States of America, but the 15th President of America (Continental Presidents). No, I haven't memorized their names, I know that I never will, but it helps me to understand American politics to know this kinda stuff.

Stay curious my friends!

Thank you for the encouragement! If you want to see daily pics of my adventures on my recumbent trike in suburban Phoenix (just for fun, of course!) you can follow me on buymeacoffee.com/bradhall, and you can buy me a coffee if you'd like to!

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